Упражнения на тему «Инфинитив в английском»
Комментариев: 0
Рубрика: Грамматика
Упражнение 1:
Исправьте ошибку (некоторые предложения правильные):
- Robert and James let Jenny to beat them in the race.
- It takes time learn a new language.
- Make a mistake is not shameful.
- It is unusual to see an owl during the day.
- Could you tell me what happened.
- Parents teach children say please and thank you.
- She was very nervous flying for the first time.
- How old were you when you learnt drive?
- I pretended to been interested in the conversation.
- What do you advise me to do?
- I don’t mind to walk home but I’d rather get a taxi.
- He had made his decision and refused change his mind.
- I expect to hearing from you by Monday.
- It is difficult understanding him.
- Paris is always worth to travel to.
Упражнение 2:
Выберите верный ответ:
- Are you sure I can’t (convince / make) you to come with us?
- Evan’s friends (made /persuaded) him to jump into the pool.
- Mum, will you let me go to the party? – Elli asked her mum (to let / let) her go to the party.
- She felt unable (to speak /speaking) to her father after the divorce.
- I am always ready (to eat /to do) blueberry pie with whipped cream.
- Would you like (to have /having) dinner with us on Friday?
- They fulfilled their promise (to buy / buying) their daughter a pony.
- He locked the door (to keep / to take) everyone out.
- They decided (to start / starting) a business together.
- Were you surprised (to see / seeing) her again so soon?
- The question is easy (to answer / to speak).
- The man asked me how (to get / to land) to the airport.
- I warned him (not to drive / not driving) too quickly because of the bad weather.
- We showed how (to use / using) the new equipment.
- You should (ask / to ask) your parents.
Упражнение 3:
Переведите предложения:
- Они обещали прочитать мой отчет сегодня.
- Я наконец-то закончил читать эту книгу!
- Вместо этого мы решили пойти в кино.
- Я предлагаю оплатить чеком, это безопаснее, чем наличными.
- Я хотел бы пойти на вечеринку с тобой.
- Я не люблю ждать.
- Я не хочу уходить.
- Я предложил помочь.
- Мы не можем позволить себе купить новую машину в этом году.
- Наконец я смог закончить работу.
- Она пыталась достать книгу с высокой полки, но была слишком маленького роста.
- Учитель ожидал, что Сара будет усердно учиться.
- Он научился кататься на велосипеде в возрасте 5 лет.
- Ты знаешь что делать, если в магазине будет пожар?
- Найти хороших друзей не просто.
Упражнение 1:
- Robert and James let Jenny beat them in the race.
- It takes time to learn a new language.
- To make a mistake is not shameful.
- It is unusual to see an owl during the day.
- Could you tell me what happened.
- Parents teach children to say please and thank you.
- She was very nervous to fly for the first time.
- How old were you when you learnt to drive?
- I pretended to be interested in the conversation.
- What do you advise me to do?
- I don’t mind walking home but I’d rather get a taxi.
- He had made his decision and refused to change his mind.
- I expect to hear from you by Monday.
- It is difficult to understand him.
- Paris is always worth travelling to.
Упражнение 2:
- Are you sure I can’t convince you to come with us?
- Evan’s friends persuaded him to jump into the pool.
- Mum, will you let me go to the party? – Elli asked her mum to let her go to the party.
- She felt unable to speak to her father after the divorce.
- I am always ready to eat blueberry pie with whipped cream.
- Would you like to have dinner with us on Friday?
- They fulfilled their promise to buy their daughter a pony.
- He locked the door to keep everyone out.
- They decided to start a business together.
- Were you surprised to see her again so soon?
- The question is easy to answer.
- The man asked me how to get to the airport.
- I warned him not to drive too quickly because of the bad weather.
- We showed how to use the new equipment.
- You should ask your parents.
Упражнение 3:
- They promised to read my report today.
- I’ve finished reading this book at last!
- We decided to go to the cinema instead.
- I suggest paying by check, it’s safer than cash.
- I would like to come to the party with you.
- I dislike waiting.
- I don’t want to leave.
- I offered to help.
- We can’t afford to buy a new car this year.
- Finally I managed to finish the work.
- She tried to reach the book on the high shelf but she was too small.
- The teacher expected Sarah to study hard.
- He learnt to ride a bike at the age of 5.
- Do you know what to do if there is a fire in the shop?
- It is not easy to find good friends.
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