Упражнения на множественное число существительных
Комментариев: 0
Рубрика: Грамматика
Сегодня на повестке дня множественное число существительных — упражнения и ответы для самопроверки.
Ответы будут в конце, но у меня убедительная просьба — не подсматривать!
Упражнение 1:
Выберите правильный вариант:
- I can find no … in the kitchen.
A knifes
B knives
- What are there in the …?
A boxes
B boxies
- The television … at 10 o’clock.
A news are
B news is
- We lived on the … of the town.
A outskirts
B outskirt
- To make a salad we need a lot of …. .
A tomatos
B tomatoes
- There is a rule “ … first”!
A ladys
B ladies
- On which … can I see the moon in the evening?
A days
B daies
- Why are cats and … natural enemies?
A mouses
B mice
- Desperate … is an American television comedy-drama.
A housewifes
B housewives
- Do you often ask for ... ?
A advice
B advices
- Do you want the … cut around your ears?
A hair
B hairs
- How often do … lay?
A goose
B geese
- Watch your favourite … live from overseas!
A matchs
B matches
- These … can be downloaded in 3 minutes!
A files
B file
- It was autumn, the … were falling.
A leafes
B leaves
Упражнение 2:
Напишите множественное число существительных:
- Secretary
- Child
- Camera
- Gentleman
- Foot
- Sandwich
- Person
- Library
- Safe
- Mother-in-law
- Kiss
- Toy
- Window
- Sheep
- Woman
Упражнение 3:
Вставьте существительное в нужной форме:
- The (police) are coming to get you.
- Are (deer) color blind?
- New (clothes) are genderless.
- There are a lot of (bag) for sale.
- Express your unique style with incredible (dress).
- We have visited five (disco) tonight.
- Walking in bare (foot)? It’s not for me.
- It is often said the (Japanese) are good workers.
- (Person) of today are much busier than 50 years ago.
- Wind and solar energy can additionally be used on the (ship) to reduce fossil fuel consumption.
- I have dyed my (hair) red and I don’t like it. Help me!
- Nearly all the supermarket (shelf) are empty.
- Your (child) can start school immediately.
- (Blueberry) are small, around 5-16 millimeters in diameter.
- Dates of French (holiday) vary according to the zone you live in.
- There were 53 (check-in) yesterday.
Правила по данной теме можете найти на этой страничке.
А также можете пройти онлайн тест Множественное число в английском.
Упражнение 1:
- B knives
- A boxes
- B news is
- A outskirts
- B tomatoes
- B ladies
- A days
- B mice
- B housewives
- A advice
- A hair
- B geese
- B matches
- A files
- B leaves
Упражнение 2:
Напишите множественное число существительных:
- Secretaries
- Children
- Cameras
- Gentlemen
- Feet
- Sandwiches
- People
- Libraries
- Safes
- Mothers-in-law
- Kisses
- Toys
- Windows
- Sheep
- Women
Упражнение 3: Вставьте существительное в нужной форме:
- The police are coming to get you.
- Are deer color blind?
- New clothes are genderless.
- There are a lot of bags for sale.
- Express your unique style with incredible dresses.
- We have visited five discos tonight.
- Walking in bare feet? It’s not for me.
- It is often said the Japanese are good workers.
- People of today are much busier than 50 years ago.
- Wind and solar energy can additionally be used on the ships to reduce fossil fuel consumption.
- I have dyed my hair red and I don’t like it. Help me!
- Nearly all the supermarket shelves are empty.
- Your children can start school immediately.
- Blueberries are small, around 5-16 millimeters in diameter.
- Dates of French holidays vary according to the zone you live in.
- There were 53 check-ins yesterday.
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