Упражнения по теме «Порядок слов в предложении»
Комментариев: 0
Рубрика: Грамматика
1. Make sentences (составьте предложения).
- a friend sportsman is my.
- play tomorrow will he football.
- love things I beautiful.
- musicians are parents his.
- are tea now they drinking.
- do tomorrow the my morning I in homework will.
- autumn Barcelona was her in last sister.
- to evening gym he the going in the likes.
- to went they yesterday school.
- teacher week bit boy last this a.
2. Translate (переведите).
- Завтракаю я обычно в 8 часов.
- В ресторане находилась его жена.
- Через 2 недели они поедут в Америку.
- На вечеринке был Том с друзьями.
- В Лондоне часто идет дождь.
- В прошлые выходные погода была ужасная.
- Выгуливает собаку он 2 раза в день.
- Мы на следующей неделе поедем в деревню.
- Ученики на уроках слушают учителя.
- Вчера в магазине я купила хорошие книги.
3. Find mistakes and write right sentences (найдите ошибки и напишите правильные предложения).
- I think, I’ll tomorrow in the evening go to cinema.
- She very much loves her parents.
- In Paris we were in July last year.
- I’m sure, they will in these competitions win.
- Yesterday I too late went to bed.
- James very well speaks English.
- I’ll call in private my coach.
- We don’t like at all cooking.
- Last Friday very interesting cartoons children watched.
Упражнение 1
— My friend is a sportsman.
— Tomorrow he will play football.
— I love beautiful things.
— His parents are musicians.
— They are drinking tea now.
— I will do my homework tomorrow in the morning.
— Her sister was in Barcelona last autumn.
— He likes going to the gym in the evening.
— They went to school yesterday.
— This boy bit a teacher last week.
Упражнение 2
— I usually have breakfast at 8 a.m.
— His wife was in the restaurant.
— They will go to the USA in 2 weeks.
— Tom with his friends were at the party.
— It often rains in London.
— The weather was awful last weekend.
— He takes his dog out for a walk twice a day.
— We will go to the village next week.
— Pupils listen to the teacher at lessons.
— I bought good books in the shop yesterday.
Упражнение 3
— I think, I’ll go to cinema tomorrow in the evening.
— She loves her parents very much.
— We were in Paris in July last year.
— I’m sure, they will win in these competitions.
— I went to bed too late yesterday.
— James speaks English very well.
— I’ll call my coach in private.
— We don’t like cooking at all.
— Children watched very interesting cartoons last Friday.
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