Упражнения на тему «Причастия в английском языке»
Комментариев: 0
Рубрика: Грамматика
Упражнение 1:
Образуйте причастие I от глагола в форме Present Active:
- To go
- To leave
- To stay
- To break
- To drive
- To fail
- To stop
Образуйте причастие I от глагола в форме Perfect Active:
- To sleep
- To buy
- To come
- To walk
- To sing
- To allow
- To enter
Упражнение 2:
Образуйте причастие I от глагола в форме Present Passive:
- To keep
- To arrive
- To write
- To call
- To make
- To learn
- To see
Образуйте причастие II от глагола:
- To worry
- To say
- To watch
- To build
- To cover
- To pay
- To intend
Упражнение 3:
Выбираем верный ответ:
- Lisa has (gone, went) home already.
- The prize-winning essay was (wrote, written) by my brother.
- (Examined, examining) by a doctor, his wrist will heal soon.
- I shook the bright (wrapping, wrapped) gift before opening it.
- (Waking, being walked) slowly, the dog stretched its legs.
- The pet (choosing, chosen) by Tim is a baby rabbit.
- The athlete, (sweating, sweated) heavily, grabbed a towel and a bottle of water.
- I didn’t want to eat the (burned, being burned) potatoes that my sister had (cook, cooked).
- Everyone (involved, having involved) in the discussion expressed his or her opinion.
- (Smiled, smiling) I opened my birthday present.
- The (married, marrying) couple set out on their honeymoon.
- (Surrounded, surrounding) by the smell of apples, I walked through the orchard.
- I often buy cheese (imported, importing) from Paris.
- We all praised the cake (baking, baked) by my mother.
- When (playing, played) tennis he slipped and broke his leg.
Теория «Причастия в английском»
Упражнение 1:
- going
- leaving
- staying
- breaking
- driving
- failing
- stopping
- having slept
- having bought
- having come
- having walked
- having sung
- having allowed
- having entered
Упражнение 2:
- being kept
- —
- being written
- being called
- being made
- being learned
- being seen
- worried
- said
- watched
- built
- covered
- paid
- intended
Упражнение 3:
- Lisa has gone home already.
- The prize-winning essay was written by my brother.
- Examined by a doctor, his wrist will heal soon.
- I shook the bright wrapped gift before opening it.
- Waking slowly, the dog stretched its legs.
- The pet chosen by Tim is a baby rabbit.
- The athlete, sweating heavily, grabbed a towel and a bottle of water.
- I didn’t want to eat the burned potatoes that my sister had cooked.
- Everyone involved in the discussion expressed his or her opinion.
- Smiling I opened my birthday present.
- The married couple set out on their honeymoon.
- Surrounded by the smell of apples, I walked through the orchard.
- I often buy cheese imported from Paris.
- We all praised the cake baked by my mother.
- When playing tennis he slipped and broke his leg.
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