Упражнения по теме «Косвенная речь в английском языке»
Комментариев: 0
Рубрика: Грамматика
Упражнение 1:
Употребите told или said:
- She … me she didn’t agree.
- He … he wasn’t interested in politics.
- She smiled and … to me, ‘I’m very pleased to meet you.’
- Jim … me about the party last night.
- The policeman … the man was lying.
- They … me they were going to a meeting.
- Bill … his friend to go home.
- He … he didn’t like the film.
Вставьте is/are, was/were, had been:
- He says every time when he sees me he … so glad to talk to me.
- He said he … eleven.
- He told her that his mother … cooking.
- I said that he … to London a year before.
- My parents say they … pleased with the holidays.
- I … told there … a beautiful forest here earlier.
- My mother asked why they … shouting.
Упражнение 2:
Переведите предложения из косвенной речи в прямую:
- He said that he was going to leave Rome.
- He asked if Peter had been to Berlin.
- Kate said she was thirsty.
- My boss asked her if she liked having her meals alone.
- She told me to revise everything for the examination.
- My sister says he was in Paris 2 years before.
- She asked her son if he would be back early that day.
- They answered that they had to go to the library after lessons.
- The son asked his mother to pass him the salad.
- The doctor said the patient could not walk alone because he was weak.
- They asked me how I got to the station.
- He told us he had two children, his son was three and his daughter was five.
- She asked whether I was ready to go.
- She explained it would take her ten minutes to pack.
- He asked the children not to make so much noise.
Упражнение 3:
Переведите предложения в косвенную речь, используя He said / he asked и т.д.:
- ‘He hasn’t eaten breakfast’.
- ‘I won’t see you tomorrow’.
- ‘She is smoking right now’
- ‘I can help you tomorrow’.
- ‘I visited my parents at the weekend’
- ‘Everybody must try to do their best”
- ‘How are you?’
- ‘When does the train leave?’
- ‘Who did you see at the meeting?’
- ‘Are you hungry?’
- ‘Why wasn’t Judy at the party?’
- ‘Make some coffee, Bob’
- ‘Don’t forget to thank Mrs. Jones!’
- ‘Have your tickets ready’
- ‘Stop the dog’
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Упражнение 1:
- Told
- Said
- Said
- Told
- Said
- Told
- Told
- Said
- Is
- Was
- Was
- Had been
- Are / were
- Was, had been
- Were
Упражнение 2:
- ‘I am going to leave Rome’
- ‘Pete, have you been to Berlin?’
- ‘I am thirsty’
- ‘Do you like having your meals alone?’
- ‘Revise everything for the examination’
- ‘He was in Paris 2 years ago’
- ‘Will you be back early today?’
- ‘We must go to the library after lessons’
- ‘Pass me the salad’
- ‘The patient cannot walk alone because he is weak’
- ‘How do you get to the station?’
- ‘I have two children, my son is three and my daughter is five’
- ‘Are you ready to go?’
- ‘It will take me ten minutes to pack’
- ‘Don’t make so much noise’
Упражнение 3:
- He said he hadn’t eaten breakfast.
- He said he would not see him/her the next day.
- He said she was smoking then.
- He said he could help him/her/me the next day.
- He said he had visited his parents at the weekend.
- He said everybody had to try to do their best.
- He asked how she was.
- He asked when the train left.
- He asked who I had seen at the meeting.
- He asked if she was hungry.
- He asked why Judy hadn’t been to the party.
- He asked Bob to make some coffee.
- He told me not to forget to thank Mrs. Jones.
- He told us to have our tickets ready.
- He told me to stop the dog.
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