Упражнения на притяжательный падеж в английском
Комментариев: 9
Рубрика: Грамматика
Упражнение 1:
Поставьте правильную форму притяжательного падежа:
- The (children) room is upstairs.
- (Steve) school is very old.
- My (parents) car was not expensive.
- It’s my (neighbour) cat.
- They are our (doctors) glasses.
- (WHO) objective is monitoring the health situation. (WHO = World Health Organization)
- (Mr. Jones) secretary is here.
- The (babies) toys are funny.
- We love (Grandma) cookies.
- The (women) boyfriends are late.
- Can you see (Mrs. Sally) hat?
- (The Browns) house is for sale.
- (The America) Cup is a trophy awarded to the winner of the races between two sailing yachts.
- A (minute) delay can be very dangerous in such circumstances.
- Those are (ladies) shoes.
Упражнение 2:
Исправьте предложения:
- The house’ gate is closed.
- That’s Mirandas sister.
- The Cyclopedia’s of New Zealand was published in six volumes.
- The chair’s legs are broken.
- The mices tails are long and ugly.
- We will consider Charles’es offer about our new schedule.
- Don’t move it, it’s the managers chair.
- Take Sue’es umbrella, it is raining.
- There is something wrong in the paper. You must check Linda story details.
- My husbands' toolkits are very useful.
- Where is the WTOs headquarter? (WTO = World Trade Organization)
- Climate of Italies varies considerably from the north to the south of the country.
- The Earth rotation’s leads to day and night.
- The Employees’s Retirement System was established in 1945.
- You can find a lot of makeup idea’s for Halloween in our free tutorials.
Упражнение 3:
a) Скажите по-другому, используя притяжательный падеж:
- The meeting tomorrow has been cancelled.
- We couldn’t choose a name for a boy.
- We used to buy clothes for children
- This is a list of magazines for women from around the world.
- Many people don’t agree with the economic policy of the government.
- I was invited to the party of Julia.
b) Переведите:
- газета за прошлый понедельник
- владелец машины
- к вершине горы
- июльская жара
- мировые ресурсы
- улицы Москвы
- описание товаров и услуг
- фотография радуги
Теория по теме «Притяжательный падеж»
Онлайн тест Притяжательный падеж
Упражнение 1:
- The children’s room is upstairs.
- Steve’s school is very old.
- My parents’ car was not expensive.
- It’s my neighbour’s cat.
- They are our doctor's glasses.
- WHO’s objective is monitoring the health situation. (WHO = World Health Organization)
- Jones’ secretary is here (or Mr. Jones’s secretary).
- The babies’ toys are funny.
- We love Grandma’s cookies.
- The women’s boyfriends are late.
- Can you see Mrs. Sally’s hat?
- The Browns’ house is for sale.
- The America’s Cup is a trophy awarded to the winner of the races between two sailing yachts.
- A minute’s delay can be very dangerous in such circumstances.
- Those are ladies’ shoes.
Упражнение 2:
- The gate of the house is closed.
- That’s Miranda’s sister.
- The New Zealand’s Cyclopedia was published in six volumes.
- The legs of the chair are broken.
- The mice’s tails are long and ugly.
- We will consider Charles’ offer about our new schedule (or Charles’s offer).
- Don’t move it, it’s the manager’s chair.
- Take Sue’s umbrella, it is raining.
- There is something wrong in the paper. You must check the details of Linda’s story.
- My husband's toolkits are very useful.
- Where is the WTO’s headquarter?
- Italy’s climate varies considerably from the north to the south of the country.
- The Earth’s rotation leads to day and night.
- The Employees’ Retirement System was established in 1945.
- You can find a lot of ideas of makeup for Halloween in our free tutorials.
Упражнение 3:
- Tomorrow’s meeting has been cancelled.
- We couldn’t choose a boy’s name.
- We used to buy children’s clothes online.
- This is a list of women’s magazines from around the world.
- Many people don’t agree with the government’s economic policy.
- I was invited to Julia’s party.
- Last Monday’s paper
- The owner of the car
- To the top of the mountain
- July’s heat
- The world’s resources
- Moscow’s streets
- Description of goods and services
- The picture of the rainbow
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Комментариев к статье: 9
My husbands‘ toolkit — немного странноватое предложение.
«Наборы для инструментов моего мужа очень практичны». Чем оно странновато для вас?
И вправду странновато, даже по-русски))
По-русски можно сказать так, как вам угодно и приятно уху — я лишь отражаю мысль для понимания грамматики. А в английском скажут именно так, когда захотят подчеркнуть полезность и практичность принадлежащей кому-то вещи.
Почему в ответах «My husbands’ toolkits are very useful.», если правильно (по правилам, которые я читал на этом же сайте) «My husband's toolkits are very useful.»???
Спасибо за обратную связь. Опечатка исправлена.
Большое спасибо за тесты.
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