Рубрика: Разговорный английский
Представляю вашему вниманию несколько английских диалогов по теме «Ресторан». Все они приведены с переводом на русский язык и аудио вариантом для прослушивания.
Диалоги на английском языке о том, как в ресторане люди обсуждают выбор блюд в меню, заказывают еду, общаются с официантом, решают мелкие проблемы с заказом.
At the restaurant... (далее…)
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На этой страничке вы найдете исчерпывающий список тем по английскому языку — в них будут разобраны фразы и сделана озвучка для более глубокой проработки. Топики по английскому языку нужны многим, и поэтому их список постоянно дополняется. Заходите и тренируйте свои разговорные навыки с помощью уникальных текстов по самым ходовым темам.
Great Britain is famous for its amazing singers, bands and composers. But it hasn’t always been this way. From 17th to 20th century the country wasn’t developed at all in terms of music. The only place where some kind of music could be heard was the Church. British music of that time was represented by George Handel. He was known for great folk and choral music. His music still is played in many Opera Houses in Europe. A great composer Henry Purcell was famous in the 17th century and is considered to be the founder of the British Opera which was very popular among the spectators. (далее…)
Рубрика: Топики
You may admire as many people as you like but there are some people that you become crazy about. You adore their lifestyle, their principals and core values. That may seem a bit strange but in our modern world it is quite normal.
There are several people I am crazy about and I would like to tell you about them. The first person that inspires me is, of course, Nick Vujicic. That person is well-known all around the world for his optimism and love to life. Being born with a desease that left him without hands and feet, he didn’t give up. Nick is a great example of how a person can be happy in life, have family and children despite all difficulties. Now Nick travels around the world and inspires other people to enjoy their lives. (далее…)
Computers have become an essential part of everyone’s life. We simply cannot spend a day without turning it on. We use it every possible minute a day. Though, computers have both advantages and disadvantages.
More and more people tend to spend not only their working time in front of the computer, but also the majority of their free time. Watching films and even reading includes a computer nowadays. With the start of a new technological era, we use not only personal computers, but also tablet computers. (далее…)
Рубрика: Топики
Looking deep into the roots of the history we can say that fashion is similar to a box. You lay your clothes down there and then close it. The next step is to turn the box over, open it and start again. So it’s up to you to decide whether to follow new fashion or not, but remember, that it is constantly around you.
Still, everyone tries to follow the fashion. Even those who reject every idea of following what fashion tendencies suggest, still they do it anyway. American TV serials and movies, celebrities and any type of magazines suggest that we should follow what they obviously suggest. (далее…)
Рубрика: Топики
It is said that you are judged by the clothes you are wearing and it seems to be absolutely true. That is why the number of people following the tendencies of fashion is growing. Whether you go for a drink to a bar on Saturday evening, go to a job interview or go to ballet you are always judged by your clothes.
You clothes reflect what a person you are. For example, a business woman who wants to seem wealthy and respectful cannot wear a pair of currently famous “boyfriend” jeans for the meeting with investors. So does a teacher at school. What you wear shows who you are. They say that if you want to be rich, behave like you already are. It includes your clothes. (далее…)
Приведенный топик про спорт на английском языке подойдет для школьников среднего (от 6-7 класса) и старшего (10-11 класссы) звеньев. Будет также полезен всем изучающим английский язык. По ссылке вы найдете и другие полезные английские тексты на тему спорта и здорового образа жизни с переводом на русский.
More and more people become addicted to sport every day. It has become a tendency everyone tries to follow. Sport is what makes people healthier, more fit and beautiful.
I am keen on sport. Several years ago I used to play football. I was a member of a school team. We took part in many competitions and more than once were the champions. We were kings on the pitch. I still love football but as a fan. My favorite football team is Barcelona. I enjoy every game they play. (далее…)
Рубрика: Топики
I had been learning English for several years already when I got to speak to a foreigner for the first time in my life. It occurred when I was a pupil. We were having some English speaking classes after lessons to make our spoken English much better. Our teacher had a foreign friend who was about to come. And she decided to provide us with some real English speaking practice.
His name was Phil and he was amazingly positive. Actually, I had never meet such a smiley person before. At first I was absolutely scared to pronounce a word out loud. As many pupils, I had a fear that I would make some mistakes, or my pronunciation would be a disaster and he would be horrified by my knowledge. (далее…)
Рубрика: Топики
We have a very old family tradition: once a month we pay a visit to the restaurant for a family dinner. It is a great chance to spend the evening out of our usual setting. What is more, it is a good chance to have fun and get away from the routine we get tired of and enjoy some time with the family.
A week before that day we choose the restaurant. It is extremely necessary to reserve a table in advance as the place may be overcrowded at the weekend. We mostly book a table for four: my parents, me and my sister. (далее…)