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разложу ваш английский по полочкам и тарелочкам. Welcome :-)







на практике



мечты в реальность





My studies


I am a school graduate and in a few months I will leave school forever. My class consists of 24 people and, what is funny, there is only one boy. My classes start at 8.30 a.m. Usually, I have 6 classes after which I go home, have a lunch and set off for my tutors.

As I am going to get a degree in business administration, so I study English and Maths very hard. I need to receive good results for entering the university course. That is why I pay so much attention to these subjects. I have tutors who help me in preparations. (далее…)

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My friends


Sometimes friends are like a family. They become a great part of your life. I divide friends into several groups: good acquaintances, friends and the last but not the least — close friends. Today I would like to tell you about the last group.

I have two best friends. These are people who I've known for a long time — not less than 5 years. We have a lot in common, share the same interests and support each other. (далее…)

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About famous people


There were hundreds of people throughout the history who are left in the memories of millions of people. They are Albert Einstein, George Washington, Princess Diana, Margaret Thatcher, Mahatma Gandhi and many others. Their impact on the world development cannot be underestimated. (далее…)

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My favorite recipe — топик о еде и любимом рецепте



As I love eating very tasty food I also love cooking. I like the process of cooking, the way I can make something wonderful out of nothing.

My favorite recipe is charlotte. I cook it several times per month for my family. We usually gather for some family dinner at the weekend and charlotte is an essential dish on the table. (далее…)

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Тема на английском «Seasons»


Having 4 completely different seasons is exactly what I love about living in my area. We have an amazingly warm summer, an extremely snowy winter, a windy spring and a gold autumn.

I absolutely love winter as there is usually a lot of snow and I can spend my time outside. An average temperature is usually below zero, so we often gather with my friends, make a snowman and go skiing. Moreover, we also celebrate Christmas and New Year. (далее…)

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Responsibility as the main trait of character — английский топик


Every person has both good and bad traits of character. You may be proud or lazy, reliable or naïve. All these traits of character form the kind of person you are. Although I personally believe that sense of responsibility is the main trait o character. (далее…)

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Healthy lifestyle — тема по английскому


Nowadays more and more people strive to live healthily and lead healthy lifestyle. I can say that I am one of them.

For me leading a healthy lifestyle means eating healthy food and doing a lot of physical activity. I gave up eating junk food three years ago and I don’t regret it. (далее…)

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My hobby — тема «Мое хобби» на английском языке


Готовишься к ОГЭ или ЕГЭ?

  • Тренажер ОГЭ и
  • тренажер ЕГЭ

будут тебе в помощь!  Удачи!

I have lots of hobbies and, honestly speaking, I can’t choose one. I adore each of them: reading, writing, dancing and travelling.

First of all, I am keen on reading. Since the time I learnt how to read I remember myself reading every evening. I am a big fan of classic literature and fiction. My favorite books are “Great Gatsby” and the Harry Potter series. (далее…)

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Топик на тему «My future job»


Готовишься к ОГЭ или ЕГЭ?

  • Тренажер ОГЭ и
  • тренажер ЕГЭ

будут тебе в помощь!  Удачи!

While studying we all dream of becoming somebody important in future. Since the time I was 5 years old I’ve had a dream of becoming a doctor.

I had a great example of my grandmother who was an amazing doctor. When I was little I liked listening to her stories about work. We also played with my dolls and I cured them. (далее…)

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Два сочинения о себе на английском языке: для студентов и для школьников

Здравствуйте, мои дорогие читатели.

Очень часто ко мне обращаются мои ученики и читатели с вопросом, как им написать сочинение на английском о себе. Поэтому сегодня я хочу поделиться с вами двумя топиками с переводом на русский. Один из них подойдет для студента или для студентки университета, а второй подойдет для учеников 3, 4 класса и старше. На всякий случай я озвучила для вас тексты — вдруг, они потом пригодятся для устных тем.

Начнем, пожалуй, с легкой версии. Этот текст, как я уже упомянула, может стать базовым для детишек начальной школы (вплоть до 4, 5, 6 классов — в зависимости от школьной программы).

Кстати, если вас интересуют именно простые тексты для ребят начальной школы или 5-6 классов, то рекомендую вот эту свою страничку — там еще несколько подобных на разные базовые темы.


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